Julian on Julian

I’m always interested by the challenges that come up when one is asked to describe oneself. How close to truth can a self-description get?

I’m curious about many things and enjoy the process of discvoery. I like to see the mark of the maker in an object, idea, accidents and I don’t like machined & generated perfection. I make art, films and music mostly, with extra writings and some poetry on this site. I am currently working on a variety of screenplays and plans for movies, as well as non-fiction writing in philosophy & communication.

Though I like to think of myself as a writer, I pay my bills with a day job in digital marketing and website work in the non-profit space. I am very interested in cooperative business.

If you are a wealthy patron looking to support a court jester/artist/hermit, please contact me as soon as physically, mentally, and technologically possible.

Get in touch

I’m on most social media platforms @juliangerace as the character Julian Gerace. If you would like to talk or work together with the real person, shoot me an email at julian@juliangerace.com